Saturday 1 November 2014

The Ply Walls

Ready to Board

The stuff is a complete pain in the arse to cut and to put up. The walls aren't 100% flush either but all I needed to do was cover it the best I could and the PVC Gloss panels will be easier (hopefully) as they cut easier and are smaller to manoeuvre into place.

So with 5.5mm ply, I began to measure, saw, measure, saw till I got the first one up.

First wall done, yes I know there is a gap, but as the PVC panels will cover it, am not that bothered. Plus I will eventually ply the outside of the frame too so won't be a major issue.

2nd wall in, was tricky getting this to get anywhere near lined up.. am actually going to replace the top panel as it doesn't quite go far enough up to the roof line.

The back wall was an even tricky one to put in, as done it in one panel, but got there in the end. 

The back outside facing panel was again in one section, and wasn't too bad fitting it actually as the gap shown below is where I need to further in cut for the toilet cassette to empty.

As you can see, the view from the back now means I need to get the fuse wire fixed on the reversing camera so I can bloody park the thing a bit easier!

I cut out roughly the hole for the toilet cassette, still to smooth that down and then put a bit trim round it to strengthen it.

Couple pics with what it looks like at the moment, you can see I added a baton across the bottom to firstly attach the ply to and strengthen it a bit more too.

Finally, a couple of pics to show what it looks like from the inside at the moment

Next bit of building will be the sofa/bed frame but need to get a start on the 12V electrics first.

So that's where I am currently, starting to take shape at last. October was a good month and feels like I have done a lot over the month.

Now we are into November,  the poorer weather is now coming in, plus I've had to start working again to pay for the bloody thing, progress will slow down over the next couple of months with holidays, gigs, Christmas etc.

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