Saturday, 15 November 2014

The Panel

Under Control

I bought a fancy customised control panel which has 5 switches on it that turn on/off 

  • Pump
  • Shower Light/Fan
  • Lights
  • Colour LEDs
  • Aux

It also has a Voltmeter, USB socket and 12V cigarette lighter socket.

This is the first thing am going to wire up as then I can run the wires from that to the various things next.

Firstly, I needed to find a suitable place for it, and also where to run wires from the fusebox to the control panel (and other devices).

Luckily, the van already had a channel going up the back of the drivers seat for the air-con, so I unscrewed it to see if I could use it.

This goes up to a board that is perfect for mounting the panel, so I took this off too and it revealed a massive air-con system behind it, won't be interfering with that though!

I then marked out the position, and ensured it would fit neatly in the indent of the air-con unit you see above.

Then just the usual, drill out the corners and jig-saw out the hole.. which made it look like a funny face!

The two photos below show what it looks like in position, I think it looks great!

So then I just had to wire it up, I just left it off but measured enough + and - cable to allow me to fit it back up at a later date.

I decided to run the first lot of cables to the Voltmeter, USB socket and 12V charger, the switches will be done next once I get the lights up in place.

So off the 1 + wire I ran up, I then split this using a terminal block to the 3 things, and then done the same for the - ones too.

So with that done, it was just a case of testing it, and thankfully it worked as you can see below. Though there is a fault with the LCD panel for the voltmeter so will be sending that back to get replaced.

And that is the first part of the 12V wiring done, glad it worked and now I can just get on with doing the rest as I put the items into place.

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