Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The Flush

Rinsed It

Started by running the cables direct from the fuse box, didn't need to go via the Panel for this one, so direct to the toilet.

Ran them along the back of the bed frame, then over the wheel arch. I have some black conduit to go over them, but more than likely these will be hidden by whatever I build in that space. Still to decide on it, but will be a wardrobe/unit of some description.

Then I drilled a small hole through the ply and fed the wires through. I also drilled holes through the frame to keep them tidy and out the way, using some cable hooks to secure them down.

Then I joined the cables to the existing toilet wires, using a terminal block and secured that on to the frame.

Then finally more cable hooks and secured right round and into the toilet. 

I also secured the cables under the sofa with hooks, just to keep everything neat and tidy under there.

So now I have a working loo, handy if I need to go while working on the van haha

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