Thursday, 20 November 2014

The Hoses

Running Hot & Cold

I know as much about plumbing as I do electrics, but was giving it a go anyway as it did seem a bit easier.

So off I went after doing some research to The Caravan Shop on Great Western Road in Glasgow to pick up some parts. The guy is really helpful, and kept me right on what I needed to get.

The good thing about these parts, is they all pretty much push lock together, all 12mm apart from the flexi hose from the pump which is 10mm. Still need to get a connector between those two, the guy didn't have any in stock so I've ordered one from eBay.

Started at the Smev sink, connected the taps their with a push fit connector. 

I was then going to run it along the back of the ply but it was too difficult to get through it where I wanted it to come out, as you can probably see in the photo below, there is solid wood behind it.

They then come out along the back of the toilet and along the back end of the van. I will get P style clips to secure them to the wall to tidy them up and keep them out the way.

I then added in a couple of push fit T sections, which would take them up to the shower taps.

Again, same as the kitchen sink taps, they just have a 12mm push fit adaptor on them and in they go.

Then from there, the hot goes straight to the boiler, and the cold goes to another T section, one goes to the boiler and the other will get connected to the pump flexi hose.

I decided to mount the boiler on the back of the frame at the far end of the storage area. This would allow me to put a 90° flue vent in and then run out out the side of the van, next to the shower vent.

I can't go through the roof with it, as not sure if it would interfere with the solar panel positioning once I get round to that.

I just put an extra piece of wood in so that I could secure it to the frame with 2 screws at both top & bottom.

So below is it screwed into position, and then with the hot & cold hoses connected up.

Once I get the connector am waiting on, and a water container/tank, I will then secure the hoses to the frame as mentioned to keep them out the way.

Next job is to wire up the taps.. just waiting on more cable coming!

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