Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The Bottle

Hole lot of fun

I was putting 2 x gas bottles in the van, one for the fridge/oven/hob and the other one for the boiler.
This would be to save running more gas copper pipes than I fancied, plus means I always have 2 bottles incase one does run out unexpected.

The one for the oven etc would be next to the kitchen unit, so I need to build a small platform over the wheel arch, put in a drop hole vent and then eventually make a sealed cupboard round the bottle.

So I made a small platform, similar to the one for the Oven.

So with the 2 feet in position, it was just a case of using 2 boards to level it off.

I then cut out a vent hole through the wheel arch, this was a complete pain in the arse.
Tried using a cheap hole-saw I got, but it didn't want to work,
So then tried the metal blade on the jig-saw, it didn't fit.
Ended up using a drill to put holes through and then cutting along with the angle grinder.

Then I fitted the securing strap to the wall.

I'll make the box frame round it at a later date, once got the plumbing/gas pipework in place.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the 2 bottles and I think I will do that with mine - thanks for the tip. Ken
