Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Tanks

Keep It Fresh

Initially I was going to put a large water tank under the back end, where the Ratcliff currently is. I haven't been able to get a buyer for it, or been able to remove it as yet though.

Also the cost of putting a custom made water tank with fittings is out at the moment anyway, so for now I have decided to go down the jerry can route.

I ordered 2 x 25 ltr fresh water containers, this will allow me to go several days without having to refill.

When I ordered them, I didn't measure the space I planned for them, so thankfully when they arrived today, the fitted perfectly.

Still space for the Gas bottle to fit

To secure them in, I just put 2 screws into each side of the frame next to them, and used a couple of bungee cords I had lying about in the loft in the camping kit.

As you can see, they fit nice and snug and even leaves a space at the back of them for a waste container if I ever need to use that dependant on where I am sited at the time.

And the pump tucks nicely into the bungee cords when not in use to save it getting damaged in transit


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